To support conservation efforts in the local communities
To support community governance structures with a hands-on approach, towards improving transparent, accountable, and effective Community Based Natural Resources Management.
To support the roles in capacity building in the local communities and these roles should complement to each other to ensure that the necessary resources are mobilized and all the communities receive the training
To built on the idea that socio-economic benefits and community engagement can alleviate poverty and improve human welfare while supporting conservation efforts and reducing threats to biodiversity.
Facilitate capacity development of CBOs, so that members can undertake their roles effectively.
Facilitate trainings and mentorship of community institutions and maintain consistent engagement with them.
Strengthening stakeholder relations and community mobilization: Work closely with stakeholders and CBOs, in encouraging and mobilising local people to support sustainable conservation of the biodiversity of the area; thereby supporting Conservation Compatible activities.
Educate the local community on the importance of caring about the resource wildlife and the overall environment
Strengthen the governance of Community Based Organizations
Strengthen the capacity of CBOs to monitor, manage and govern wildlife & other resources as well as participating in quota setting.
To support and promote sustainable conservation practices across landscapes.